From the Book - Thirteenth edition.
My parents and early life
My mother's death and the mystic amulet
My interrupted flight toward the Himalayas
Perfume Saint displays his wonders
India's great scientist, J. C. Bose
Blissful devotee and his cosmic romance (Master Mahasaya)
I meet my master, Sri Yukteswar
Two penniless boys in Brindaban
Years in my Master's hermitage
Experience in cosmic consciousness
Sasi and the three sapphires
My master, in Calcutta, appears in Serampore
I receive my university degree
I become a monk of the Swami order
Brother Ananta and Sister Nalini
Founding a Yoga school in Ranchi
Kashi, reborn and discovered
Rabindranath Tagore and I compare schools
Interview with the Sacred Mother (Kashi Moni Lahiri)
Rama is raised from the dead
Babaji, Yogi-Christ of modern India
Materializing a palace in the Himalayas
Christlike life of Lahiri Mahasaya
Babaji's interest in the West
Luther Burbank-a saint amid the roses
Therese Neumann, the Catholic Stigmatist
Resurrection of Sri Yukteswar
With Mahatma Gandhi at Wardha
Bengali "Joy-permeated mother" (Ananda Moyi Ma)
Woman yogi who never eats
At Encinitas in California
Paramahansa Yogananda: a yogi in life and death
Commemorative stamp issued by government of India in honor of Paramahansa Yogananda
Line of self-realization fellowship gurus
Aims and ideals of self-realization fellowship.